There is a printable membership application form in PDF format available under "Membership and Subs"" tab if you prefer that option....

Annual fees:

Full Member $210 includes affiliation fee to NRANZ

Associate membership $60 (cannot officially compete in regional or national competition limited number of range days)

(NRANZ affiliation $150 required to officially compete in Regional and National competitions, and to access the perks of NRANZ such as cheaper reloading components)  $150 + $60 = $210

Family $TBC with NRANZ affiliation

Visitor per day $20 

A range fee of $5 payable on the day applicable to all shooters.

You may pay your subs to: Akarana-City Rifle Club: Westpac Bank 030166-0244806-00 on acceptance of membership request.

Please advise by email your name and contact details so we can complete your registration.